MEDAN - The Provincial Government of North Sumatra has tightened the inspection process for residents who want to be vaccinated to anticipate the practice of jockeying for COVID-19 vaccinations.
"Strict monitoring will be carried out," said North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi in Medan, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 23.
The inspection process is considered important as well as determining whether residents who have registered can participate in the vaccination or not.
Gubsu Edy claimed that until now the North Sumatra region has not found any cases of COVID-19 vaccination jockeys.
However, Governor Edy asked all vaccination organizers to further improve supervision and security at COVID-19 vaccination locations.
"So there are no jockeys like that. Hopefully, no one wants to be like that," he said.
Based on data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in the North Sumatra area has so far reached 72.52 percent of the total target.
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