JAKARTA - The police are investigating the alleged involvement of the Salemba prison guards in connection with the manufacture of illegal drugs by inmate Ami Utomo alias AU in a private room at a private hospital in Jakarta.

Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Detective, AKBP Afandi Eka Putra said that during the investigation several guards had been questioned. However, the results of the examination have not found any involvement.

"We have examined the guards on guard. However, it is still far from the conclusion of the existence of collusion," Afandi told VOI, Thursday, August 20.

So, said Afandi, his party would study the guards' statements and seek information about this. However, it did not explain in detail the next legal steps to reveal the alleged involvement of the guards who helped Ami Utomo when producing drugs.

"Until now, we are still doing some deepening," he said.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of Corrections, Rika Aprianti, said that her party has also conducted a series of investigations into the alleged involvement of wardens in drug cases.

"This is being carried out by the Directorate General of Social Security," he said.

Previously, the Central Jakarta Metro Police arrested inmates of the Salemba Prison with the initials AU for drug cases. The prisoner who was undergoing treatment in one of the hospital's VVIP rooms in Jakarta was apparently producing illegal drugs.

In fact, during the treatment, the detention center provides security for 24 hours. Thus, there was an allegation of the warden's involvement in the case.

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