LAMPUNG - Two Toyota Hiace vehicles with license plate number G 7259 BD and Hino Trucks license plate number BG 8027 BI had an accident on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, Terbanggi Besar KM108, causing four people to die.

"Yes, that's right, the accident happened this afternoon", said Pesawaran Police Chief AKBP Vero Aria Radmantyo, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 23.

The Head of Traffic Unit of the Pesawaran Police, Iptu Amsar, added that the Toyota Hiace with the police number G 7259 BD was transporting 15 teachers from Wayknan Regency to go on a tour.

At that time, the Hino truck driven by Sukarno (39), a resident of Palembang passing from Central Lampung was on the slow lane to Bandar Lampung.

When they arrived at the location, the Toyota Hiace vehicle driven by Parlindungan (38) moved from the fast lane to the slow lane.

"As a result, four Toyota Hiace passengers including two small children died on the spot with the identities initialed ZD (3) and KH (8). Then two other civil servants with the initials AZ (42) and MI (55)", he said.

He added that the accident was suspected because the Toyota Hiace driver did not concentrate when changing lanes.

At that time, he continued, there was another minibus vehicle whose identity was not yet known that wanted to overtake from the fast lane.

"When changing lanes, you don't concentrate so you don't see a Hino Truck in front of you and a collision occurs", he said.

As a result of the incident, the Toyota Hiace vehicle crashed into the right rear body of the Hino Fuso Truck vehicle. In the incident, as many as 11 other people were injured.

"But they have been taken to the hospital for help", he said.

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