JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police has confirmed that it will not implement the blockade in the 2021 Lilin Jaya Operation. However, people's mobility must be controlled during the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year holidays.

"We emphasize that during the Lilin Jaya Operation 2021 there will be no obstructions," said Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Thursday, December 23.

However, to suppress community mobility during Christmas and New Year, his party will set up service posts at several points.

Later, the officer on duty at the post will urge the public not to crowd and move around.

"Then we will set up service posts at crowded centers, malls, churches, and so on," said Sambodo.

Meanwhile specifically to prevent mobility during the 2022 New Year, continued Sambodo, his party will implement the Crowd Free Night (CFN) scheme.

This scheme will cover areas that have the potential to become community gathering locations. For example, entertainment venues to shopping centers.

"The implementation is on December 31 at night at 22.00 until January 1 at 04.00 western Indonesia time," he said.

At least, there are 10 areas that will be closed during the 2022 New Year holidays. Among others, Sudirman-Thamrin, Kemang, Bulungan-Barito, Senopati-Gunawarman-SCBD, Asia-Africa, Kota Tua.

Furthermore, the East Flood Canal area, Kemayoran, Kelapa Gading, and the Monas area. The closures in the Monas area were carried out on all Medan Merdeka Street, either North, West, East, and South.

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