JAKARTA - The National Police say the hashtag #NoViralNoJustice is like an iceberg phenomenon. Because the cases that do not appear on social media are far more numerous.
"The current situation is that every issue is going viral. Of course if we look at the cases reported to the police, there are so many cases. What goes viral is like an iceberg phenomenon, but there are so many underneath," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan told reporters, Tuesday, December 21.
So far, the National Police, called Ramadhan, have handled all complaints professionally. However, the case did not go viral on social media.
"This means that whether it is viral or not, it is the obligation of the Police to respond and follow up on public reports," said Ramadhan.
However, Ramadhan said the emergence of these hashtags on social media could be a criticism for the Police. That way, all levels can improve performance related to handling public complaints.
"So we convey that the hashtags start from the hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi and the hashtag #NoViralNoJustice, we respond positively, of course we evaluate internally and we have conveyed that we should fix the situation so that it will be even better," said Ramadhan.
Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked his staff to conduct an evaluation in order to eliminate the stigma in society with the emergence of phenomena on social media that often raise violations by police personnel.
Sigit highlighted a number of phenomena on social media with the emergence of the hashtag (hash/#) #PercumaLaporPolisi, then the hashtag #1Hari1Oknum, and most recently #NoViralNoJustice.
"This is the time for us to improve to do better things. How do we see the development of social media related to uploaded events. This is the task of all of us," said Sigit when giving directions at the "Analysis and Evaluation Coordination Meeting (Rakor Anev) of the General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum). ) Police" in Yogyakarta.
Regarding the hashtag #NoViralNoJustice, Sigit said that people make comparisons with cases that started with going viral compared to cases that started with reports under normal conditions.
The public, continued Sigit, saw that cases that went viral tend to end quickly. It even spawned the hashtag #ViralForJustice.
"This phenomenon must be evaluated, why did it happen. Then it is inherent in the community and must be viral, otherwise the process will not go viral," said Sigit.
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