JAKARTA - The independent candidate pair Bagyo Wahyono-FX Suparjo (Bajo) stated that they are ready to face the fat coalition of Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa. What is Bajo's capital?

“How much does the tailor earn, but we don't (question) like that. The important thing is to make new history by (nominating) figures drawn from the community. So the wishes of the people are there, "said Bagyo to VOI, Wednesday, August 19.

Support for Bagyo and Suparjo — the chairman of RW 07 Kampung Karangturi — came from volunteers from the mass organization Panji-Panji Hati or known as Tikus Pithi Hanata Baris. These volunteers are moving to socialize Bajo as well as donating in an effort to win the Solo Pilkada.

"This is the people's struggle, because this is mutual cooperation from all over Indonesia. The strength of the members (Pithi Rat) is over a million. Later on, later, if it's IDR 50,000, IDR 100,000, (so) how much? ” he added.

The movement was started by relying on the direct meeting of residents 'door to door'. The strength of these volunteers is what Bajo relies on.

Because for Bagyo, matters of political battles, including in the Solo Pilkada, are not only about support from political parties. As long as the community supports it, Bajo is ready to compete in the Solo Pilkada.

"Currently, the establishment of the party is clear. So breaking the establishment is the main thing, including in the city of Solo. We really broke into it, "said Bagyo, who is a tailor daily.

The candidate pair for the Bajo independent candidate has already deposited sufficient support for the nomination requirements. However, KPU Surakarta is still recapitulating support at the sub-district level and continuing at the city level.

As for the conditions in the Solo Pilkada, independent candidate pairs must pocket the amount of support of at least 8.5 percent from the Permanent Voters List (DPT) of 421,999, namely 35,870 supporters.

Extra Hard Work

Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Political Research Center Firman Noor assessed that Bagyo-Suparjo will still have difficulty fighting the Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa pair. This couple has to work hard.

"Although I do not say that the opportunity (to win the Solo Pilwalkot, red) is really closed, but it is clear that there are many tough sides for the Bajo couple. Extra ordinary work is needed to win the contest in Solo," Firman told VOI.

The assessment, continued Firman, was based on the fact that there were not many pilkada won by independent candidates. This is because now the public is more confident in the candidates promoted by political parties.

In Pilkada contestation, the track record of a candidate according to Firman has an effect as a selling point. Moreover, Gibran's grand coalition has been gaining support from PDIP, Gerindra, PAN, Golkar and PSI.

"For this reason, the independent needs something extra ordinary to sell. For example, charisma, popularity, performance, or financial strength so that it can attract the attention of the masses and finally vote for it. Does Bajo have that," said Firman.

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