SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi Police and their ranks up to the police level are tightening the circulation of illegal liquor between regions to maintain conduciveness in the community ahead of the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year holiday seasons.

"We have instructed all police personnel on duty in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi Police to carry out various anticipations of security disturbances before and after the Christmas and New Year holidays, one of which is to carry out operations to prevent the circulation of illegal liquor," Sukabumi Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Dedy Darmawansyah told reporters at Sukabumi, Sunday, December 19.

He also appreciated his personnel who have succeeded in uncovering various forms of illegal liquor circulation, such as the disclosure of the case of making adulterated liquor by Nagrak Police personnel on Saturday, December 18 during an operation to eradicate the public disease (concentrated).

During the raid, the police found 12 jerry cans of adulterated liquor, each containing five liters of adulterated liquor which HG had hidden inside his house in Depok Village, Cisarua Village, Nagrak District, Sukabumi Regency.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Nagrak Police, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Deden Sulaeman, said that the disclosure of the location for the manufacture of adulterated liquor was a public report and the result of an investigation by its members. With this information, his party immediately went to the location and managed to find evidence that the owner had hidden in his house.

The confession from the suspect, who is an artisan of bootleg liquor, told the police that the illicit water was planned to be sent to the Bogor area and circulated in that area. "The raw material for the manufacture of liquor with a high alcohol content is from Nira fruit which is then processed into palm wine," said Deden.

According to Deden, his party will not stop to uncover cases of illegal liquor circulation and other public ills such as drug trafficking to maintain regional conditions ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

In addition, this concentrated operation targeting the circulation of liquor is a direct attention and order from the Sukabumi Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Dedy Darmawansyah to maintain regional conditions from various security disturbances caused by consuming this illicit drink.

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