YOGYKARTA - For a Muslim woman, pregnancy is a great gift from Allah SWT. The presence of a future baby in the womb is a mandate from Him, as well as a happiness for a married couple. Since the beginning of pregnancy, couples are generally curious about the gender of the prospective baby, whether it's a boy or a girl.

In Islam, there are several signs that are often mentioned as congenital for pregnant women according to Islam. Even though it has not been confirmed medically, these signs can be seen since early pregnancy. The following is an explanation regarding various characteristics of the pregnancy of a baby girl in an Islamic perspective.

1. Janin Heart Rate of more than 140 bpm

Through ultrasound examinations, fetal heartbeats can be known. If the baby's heartbeat exceeds 140 beats per minute, this is believed to be a sign of a baby girl. Generally, in baby girls, usually have a faster heart rate compared to baby boys.

2. Menonjol's Stomachshape Sejajar Pinggang

For the pregnancy of the baby girl, the position of the mother's stomach generally stands out parallel to the waist and does not go down to the pelvis. This happens because the position of the female fetus is more inclined to the top of the stomach.

3. Severe Morning Sickness

Pregnant women tend to experience morning visits more intensely than pregnant boys. Symptoms of nausea and vomiting often last until the gestational age is more than six months.

4. Change of the Fast Mood

Pregnant women usually experience drastic mood swings. In a short time, the mother's feelings can change from sadness to cheerful or vice versa.

5. Become More Sensitive

In accordance with the character of women who tend to taste, pregnant women will be more sensitive. Easy to touch, more emotional, but also easy to feel uncomfortable if something interferes.

6. Softer Skin

Different from the pregnancy of a boy who often makes the skin dry, the pregnancy of a baby girl tends to make the mother's skin feel softer and smoother.

7. Thin And Kusam Hair

Another physical characteristic is the hair of pregnant women who become thinner and look dull.

8. Hair Color Changes Redness

Mother's hair, which was previously black and thick, can turn red during the pregnancy of a baby girl.

9. Stomach Menonjol Ke Atas

Women's fetus tends to be at the top of the uterus, so that the mother's stomach looks prominent upwards.

10. Hobby of Beautifying yourself

During pregnancy, pregnant women often feel like looking beautiful, such as dressing up more often.

11. Stable Weight

Pregnancy of baby girls often makes the mother's weight rise stably and not excessive, so that her body shape still looks proportional.

12. Likes To Eat Fruits And Vegetables

Pregnant women tend to like healthy foods such as low-calorie but fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

13. Acne Appears in the face

Due to the more dominant hormone estrogen, the face of pregnant women is often overgrown with acne.

14. Urines of slightly Dark color

If urine looks darker even though the mother has drunk enough, this could be a sign of a baby girl's pregnancy.

15. Round Stomach Shape

Baby girls often make the mother's stomach look rounder than the baby boy.

16. Talk a lot

Pregnant women tend to become more volatile, which is believed to be the congenital nature of a baby girl.

17. Janin's Kick Is Not Too Hard

Women's fetuses usually kick gently so they are not too visible from outside.

18. The face looks beautiful and fresh

Mothers who contain babies often look more naturally beautiful, even though they are experiencing hormonal changes.

19. Diligenter

A baby girl who is known to be active and diligent can influence pregnant women to stay active in various activities.

20. Cleaner Face

Despite acne, the mother's face still looks fresher and cleaner during the pregnancy of a baby girl.

Other Characteristics Of Pregnant Women's Baby

In addition to the signs above, the following are also often associated with congenital pregnant women according to Islam:

So the conclusion is that the signs of pregnancy in women according to Islam are not completely medical, but are widely trusted by the community. Whatever the gender of the baby, the main task of parents is to care for and educate children according to Islamic law, and provide good religious education. The most important thing is to accept this mandate with gratitude and responsibility.

In addition, you also need to know what the Rules for Eating Dates for Pregnant Women are based on Research and Angle of Islamic View

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