JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, asked the General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum) to carry out inherent supervision in realizing the Police leadership posture as expected and eliminating the wrong leadership culture.

"Please help monitor the wrong leadership cultures. My hope is a leader who serves, not a leader who is served", said Sigit when giving directions at the Coordination Meeting for Analysis and Evaluation of the Police General Supervision Inspectorate 2021 in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 17.

Sigit hopes that the police chiefs, police chiefs, regional police chiefs, and others will be able to carry out leadership by expectations and be able to provide services to achieve the vision and mission of the National Police organization.

He gave an example of a leader having to go to the field often to understand the situation on the ground so that he is not wrong in making decisions.

"Leaders must understand their members and the difficulties of their members so that when giving assignments they are not mistaken", said Sigit.

The expected leadership understanding, said Sigit, must continue to be instilled. This is the task of Itwasum as the internal control division of the National Police.

Sigit said Itwasum's role was like a "referee" like in a football match, bringing the Police organization to work according to the rules and on track so that it becomes the hope of the community.

As a large organization, the National Police with personnel faces many challenging tasks with various dynamics in the era of public information disclosure.

"Recently, a lot of phenomena have appeared on social media, this is part of what must be observed", said Sigit.

The phenomenon in question is the emergence of the hashtag (hash/#) #PercumaLaporPolisi, then the hashtag #1Hari1Oknum, and the latest #NoViralNoJustice.

The four-star general said that these phenomena are part of the task of the Itwasun National Police to evaluate whether they occur in terms of organizational management or individual behavior of National Police members.

"This must be corrected", said the National Police Chief.

The magnitude of the challenges of the tasks and functions faced by the National Police, the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police also asked his staff to get out of their comfort zone, to become the leaders of the National Police (sector police chief, resort police chief, and regional police chief) who make National Police a modern organization.

"The choice is one, you have to get out of your comfort zone so that the National Police can become a modern organization, so it is the hope of the organization and the hope of the community", said Sigit.

The National Police Chief emphasized that three competencies must be inherent in National Police personnel as a manifestation of the transformation of a Precise Police, namely ethical, technical, and leadership competencies.

Sigit does not doubt the technical competence and leadership of National Police personnel. However, the ethical competence that has actually been instilled from an early age is faced with doctrines that then contradict the ethics that should be implemented so that comfort zones occur.

"This must be changed, please make this the responsibility of colleagues to be able to understand these three competencies", said the National Police Chief.

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