JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 21 of 2021 concerning the National Talent Management Task Force which is directly under the president.

"The National Talent Management Task Force is tasked with (a) coordinating the formulation and preparation of the National Talent Management 'Grand Design' for 2022-2045; and (b) coordinating the formulation and preparation of mechanisms for implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and controlling the implementation of the 'Grand Design' Talent Management. National Year 2022-2045", said Article 3 of the regulation which was quoted by Antara from the State Secretariat's website, Friday, December 17.

The presidential decree was signed by President Jokowi on December 10, 2021.

The purpose of the creation of the National Talent Management Task Force is stated in the regulation is to "prepare talented and globally competitive human resources, it is necessary to manage and develop national talent that is comprehensive, sustainable, and innovative through breakthrough policies".

The "Grand design" of National Talent Management for 2022-2045 consists of 3 fields, namely Research and Innovation, Cultural Arts and Sports (article 4) which must be completed within a year since the presidential decree was enacted (article 9).

There is also the composition of the National Talent Management Task Force contained in article 5, namely:

1. Chairman: Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of National Development Planning Agency.

2. Vice Chairman: Presidential Chief of Staff

3. Research and Innovation Coordinator: Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency

4. Coordinator for Arts and Culture: Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

5. Sports Coordinator: Minister of Youth and Sports.

6. Members:

a. Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform;

b. Minister of Religion:

c. Minister of Finance;

d. Industry Minister;

e. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency;

f. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises;

g. Minister of Home Affairs;

h. Minister of Foreign Affairs;

i. Minister of Communication and Information Technology;

j. the Minister of Manpower;

k. Minister of Law and Human Rights; and

l. Head of the Central Statistics Agency.

Article 8 of the regulation states "In carrying out its duties, the National Talent Management Task Force shall coordinate, collaborate, cooperate, and partner with relevant ministries/agencies, provincial governments, district/city governments, individuals, academics, philanthropy, higher education, community organizations, professional organizations, the business world, mass media, development partners, and other stakeholders related to National Talent Management".

Meanwhile, the work of the National Talent Management Task Force includes:

1. National Talent Management Task Force for 2022-2045

2. The mechanism for implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and controlling the implementation of the National Talent Management Grand Design for 2022-2045 is completed no later than 12 months from the date this Presidential Decree is stipulated (article 9).

Meanwhile, the working period of the National Talent Management Task Force ends on December 10, 2022, while all costs required for the task force are taken from the State Budget or other legitimate financing.

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