JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked witnesses to the alleged corruption of the Bengkalis Island Outer Ring Road construction project in Bengkalis Regency, Riau in 2013-2015 to cooperate and fulfill the summons.

This request was made after six witnesses were absent from the examination scheduled by investigators on Tuesday, December 14. They should have been examined as witnesses to complete the file of M Nasir, who is the former Regional Secretary of Dumai City.

The witnesses were Hadi Triolaksana, Teddy Sitorus, Rachmansyah, Martawi, Ari Mardika Yadi, and Henky Adi Berliano. They are employees of PT Wijaya Karya.

"Witnesses were absent and without confirmation. The KPK urges them to be cooperative in the summons schedule that has been sent by the investigation team," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Thursday, December 16.

Although six witnesses were not present, the KPK investigators have asked for information from three other PT Wijaya Karya employees. They are Oldy Hayyu Suyanto Putra, Danang Setiawan, and Sija'dul Jamal.

During the examination, investigators explored a number of things regarding the alleged corruption in road construction. One of them, said Ali, relates to the participation of PT Wika Sumindo Jo in the project bidding.

"The three witnesses were present and their knowledge was studied, among others, related to the participation of PT Wika Sumindo Jo in the offer for the Bengkalis Island Ring Road construction project (Multi Years) and also related to the role of the witnesses in the project," he said.

In this case, the KPK has named 10 people as suspects. They are Muhammad Nasir as the official making the commitment and Tirtha Adhi Kazmi as the technical implementing officer of the activity.

Other names that have been named as suspects are Handoko Setiono, Melia Boentaran, Tirtha Adhi Kazmi, I Ketut Surbawa, Petrus Edy Susanto, Didiet Hadianto, Firjan Taufa, Victor Sitorus, and Suryadi Halim.

Most recently, the KPK has detained the Project Manager of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), Didiet Hartanto (DH); marketing staff of PT WIKA Firjan Taufa (FT); and a commitment making official (PPK), Tirtha Adhi Kazmi (TAK) on Friday, September 3.

Didet and Tirtha are said to have played an active role in manipulating the preparation of documents. This is intended to give the impression that the project has been completed 100 percent and that the disbursement of payments can be made at the end of December 2015 even though the first handover of the work has not yet been carried out.

Meanwhile, FT is suspected of having facilitated a meeting between M Nasir, who was acting as PPK at the time, and PT Wika's internal party for the provision of bribes.

In addition, FT also always coordinates with DH who is suspected of being related to the implementation of the Bukit Batu-Siak Kecil Ring Road Improvement Project.

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