JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI DPR RI Muhammad Husein Fadlulloh, acknowledged the performance and role of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) went well under the leadership of Erick Tohir. Especially the strategic role in national development.

According to him, the real evidence of the active role of SOEs that was strongly felt was when the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir was appointed by President Jokowi as the chief executive to fight COVID-19.

"He (Erick Thohir, ed) is tasked with integrating and coordinating the strategic implementation of various policies in the context of accelerating the handling of COVID-19 and recovering the national economy," Husein told reporters, Wednesday, December 15.

Husein revealed, from the beginning of the Pandemic period until now, many state-owned companies have provided direct assistance through CSR programs for all Indonesian people. One form of CSR is the provision of PPE for health workers.

"The distribution of free basic necessities to residents, the provision of medicines, oxygen, multivitamins, and so on," said Husein.

The Gerindra politician explained that SOEs act as agents of development that can contribute to national development, including economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To achieve this goal, said Husein, the government provided state capital of 219 trillion in the 2016-2019 period which was used to improve the performance of SOEs, restructure SOEs, and the establishment of new SOEs.

"Then, to overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, BUMN through the national economic recovery program channeled credit to MSMEs and cooperatives as well as guaranteed working capital loans, MSME loans and cooperatives through UMi Ultra Micro, pawnshops and Bahana," explained Husein.

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