JAKARTA - PPP politician Abraham Lunggana or Haji Lulung passed away yesterday, Tuesday, December 14, and was immediately buried at the Karet Bivak TPU in Jakarta that afternoon.

Haji Lulung's son, Guruh Tirta Lunggana, revealed his father's last message before he died. Lulung advised his family to get along with each other.


"If you order a lot. But the point is, the deceased said that the important thing is to get along with the family. The point is that, right. When we talk about getting along, we have to, right, we are family, we are brothers, brothers, sisters, we must (get along)," Guruh told reporters at the funeral home, Tuesday, December 14.


Guruh who is the second child remembers the figure of Haji Lulung as a father who played a very important role for him.

"When you talk about what it's like, wow, that's a lot. It could be a father, it could be a motivation, it could be a friend, there are lots of memories," he said.

He also admitted that his father's condition had ups and downs before being called by the almighty at 10:51 western Indonesia time.

"The last condition is indeed unstable, sometimes it's stable well, sometimes it drops like that, because it's a heart disease, right," said Guruh.

Guruh said that the family would hold tahlilan for the next seven days at the funeral home. This was also done at the request of his mother.

Haji Lulung Experiences Heart Rhythm Storm

Director of Medical and Nursing Services at Harapan Kita Hospital, Dr. Dicky Fakhri, said Haji Lulung was immediately treated intensively by a heart and blood vessel specialist who served in the ICVCU room specifically for cardiac and blood vessel emergencies.

"For him, during treatment from November 24 until now, yes for those 20 days, every day we conduct an evaluation with the team that was created, we monitor his overall condition, yes. It is true that a heart pump is not very good, we overcome it with all kinds We have medicines that we have in this hospital or those that don't exist, we will look for the medicine. One of them is also with tools," explained Dr. Dicky at Harapan Kita Hospital, Tuesday, December 14.

In its development, said Dr. Dicky, Haji Lulung experienced ups and downs. "It means that the increase does not reach normal, but there is a condition that slightly improves but the situation decreases. What is very disturbing is the disturbance of the heart rhythm. The heart rhythm is very disturbing, we try to overcome it with the drugs we give. It is very difficult to control it, recover in the sense of the word can until 2 days, yes, 4 days again. It happened again, finally the team decided to do something, "he explained.

Due to the heart rhythm disturbance, Dr. Dicky said, Haji Lulung's condition worsened until he was finally summoned by the Almighty on December 14, 2021, at 10:51 western Indonesia time.

"On the way, the source of the abnormality was found, but indeed the heart pump was not getting better. So in the end what we experienced today at 10.50 am he was called by the Almighty," said Dr. Dicky.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Intensive Care and Emergency Cardiovascular Medical Staff Group, Dr. Dafsah Arifa Juzar, said that before he breathed his last, the PPP DPW chairman had experienced a heart rhythm storm. This rhythmic storm made Lulung's heart condition unstable.

"So if it seems like we are normal, it's 60/100, yes. So if he is 200 times per minute. So the heart can't pump blood, the blood pressure drops," said Dafsah at Harapan Kita Hospital, West Jakarta, Tuesday, December 14.

Dafsah explained that Lulung had a heart condition for 14 days or from 28 November 2021 to 14 December 2021. Due to this disorder, the former deputy chairman of the DKI DPRD was referred and treated intensively at Harapan Kita Hospital.

Then, said Dafsah, Lulung experienced a heart rhythm storm after his condition was stable for four days on November 24 - 28, 2021. After his heart condition was unstable, doctors treated him by giving medicine to Lulung. One of the drugs given is a sedative so that Lulung can sleep deeply (deep sleep), but remain conscious.

"So we deliberately made a deep sleep. So that there are no triggers. Reduce stimulation, which can touch rhythm disturbances," explained Dafsah.

However, on Monday, December 13, yesterday, at around 17.30, Lulung's health condition was getting worse.

"And at 10.50 he was declared dead," said Dr Dafsah.

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