JAKARTA - Deputy IV of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Juri Ardiantoro said controlling COVID-19 in schools was President Joko Widodo's concern.
The jury said that at every opportunity, President Jokowi reminded the importance of implementing strict health protocols in the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM) so as not to become a cluster of COVID-19 transmission.
"Thus, all regions are expected to be vigilant about this, because several countries with COVID-19 cases are creeping up and starting because of the opening of schools, and the President does not want this to happen in our country," said Juri Ardiantoro while reviewing PTM at SMPN 2 Brebes, Central Java, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13th.
According to the jury, in order to safeguard the President's commitment to controlling COVID-19 in schools, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) is currently conducting field verification.
"The data we get in the field will be the basis for the President's decision making," continued the jury.
The head of SMPN 2 Brebes Murtado admitted that he had implemented strict procedures and took steps to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19. "If there are students who are not feeling well, we prohibit them from entering until they are declared healthy and negative," said Murtado.
He added that with zero COVID-19 cases during PTM, the school would propose to increase the duration of teaching and learning activities.
"So that there is a break for students, later from the canteen they will come to classes," he added.
To note, SMPN 2 Brebes is a piloting school based on talent and interest, which is focused on special sports classes (KKO) for prospective athletes.
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