JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan emphasized that the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) construction project was financed from Jakarta residents' taxes.

"JIS is a pride for the citizens of Jakarta. This is financed through tax money from all Jakarta residents. So, it is not a gift from company A, company B, but this is a big work from the Jakarta people's taxes and we can be grateful, we can be proud," said Anies in the discussion via Instagram in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, December 12.

Anies hopes that Jakarta residents can immediately visit JIS when construction is complete.

Currently, the realization of the JIS development project has entered its 118th week and reached 87.85 percent.

Anies also explained that the project, which has been carried out since 2019, involved at least 4,000 workers.

Although hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction of JIS continues with the implementation of strict health protocols because all workers are not allowed to go in and out of the project.

In addition, the former Minister of Education and Culture considered that JIS was a massive project.

One of the toughest jobs, namely lifting the steel roof truss weighing 3,900 tons.

"This is a massive process that requires more than just hard work, but work full of knowledge, work full of accuracy, full of planning. We can say that this is an amazing project from 2019 to 2021," said Anies.

Currently, the construction of JIS has entered the final stage.

A number of interior works are being carried out, such as installing spectator seats, working on the remains of precast audience stands, installing lights, and installing an audio system (sound system).

JIS is listed as one of the 10 grandest stadiums in the world, according to a report by British media Daily Mail on 20 February 2021.

JIS is on the 10th list after Miami Freedom Park, Lusail Iconic, Bramley-Moore Dock, Camp Nou, Santiago Bernabeu, New Feyenoord, Della Roma, New San Siro, and Grand Stade de Casablanca.

Not only that, JIS is the only stadium building that has obtained a platinum level green building certificate in the aspect of design recognition.

Anies has not yet detailed the total investment for the JIS project.

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