JAKARTA - Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Pol Rusdi Hartono, said 44 former KPK employees after being appointed as National Police's ASN (state civil apparatus) attended a two-week briefing, one of the briefing materials on national development policies.

Rusdi said the 44 ASN Polri carried out orientation and debriefing activities at the National Police Administration Education Center (Pusdikmin), Bandung. From 10 to 23 December 2021.

"Debriefing on national development system policies, and transformation of human resource management for apparatus, policies for managing government organizations, discussion activities on these policies," said Rusdi, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 12.

Rusdi explained that the briefing was provided by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) to a number of main officers of the National Police Headquarters.

"Speakers from the Kemenpan-RB, the Head of the RI LAN (State Administration Agency), and lectures from the main officials of the National Police Headquarters, including the US Chief of Police, Asrena Kapolri, and the Head of the Propam Division," he said.

Then said Rusdi, the debriefing activity also held discussions for Novel and his friends.

After attending the briefing for two weeks, Novel Baswedan, a former senior KPK investigator and friends, officially served as an ASN Polri starting January 1, 2022.

The National Police has strengthened the Directorate of Corruption Crimes (Dittupidkor) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police by turning it into the Corruption Crime Prevention Corps (Kortas) which will later be filled by Novel Baswedan and his friends.

Previously, National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated 44 former KPK employees to become National Police ASN to coincide with World Anti-Corruption Day, Thursday 9 December.

In his briefing, the National Police Chief did not doubt the actions of Novel Baswedan and his friends in efforts to eradicate corruption in the country.

Sigit hopes that the role of 44 former KPK employees in strengthening Polri's commitment to eradicating corruption is in line with President Joko Widodo's direction during the implementation of World Anti-Corruption Day, which states that eradicating corruption is not only a matter of law enforcement. However, it must be more touching on the fundamental things to solve the root of the problem.

Sigit emphasized that prevention efforts are no less important than prosecution in efforts to eradicate corruption.

The four-star general asked Novel and the newly inaugurated National Police ASN to oversee the National Economic Recovery program and ensure that the budget used is right on target.

"Our country is currently facing a difficult position, so we can properly oversee the National Economic Recovery program. How can we control it so that the APBN used is right on target and reduces the risk of leakage," said Sigit.

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