JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion encourages all religious education institutions to continue to create innovations and superior programs in order to have competitiveness in various fields with other educational institutions.

"Currently, we must not only think outside the box, but must also think without the box," said the Director-General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion M. Ali Ramdhani in a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, December 11.

This statement was made by Dhani on the evening of the Madrasah Award and Appreciation for Achievement in Islamic Higher Education (ADIKTIS) in Jakarta.

According to him, all education actors must continue to learn to seek inspiration, build motivation, and create innovations that have never been thought of before.

If the work only reaches the average, he said, then over time it will no longer be relevant to the times that continue to move.

"So we have to make extraordinary efforts and the learning process should not be satisfied in just one point," he said.

The awards night consisted of Madrasah Award and ADIKTIS. The 2021 Madrasah Award presents five categories that are entitled to an award from the Ministry of Religion.

First, the category of outstanding students, the best learning innovations/teacher works, outstanding institutions, community elements, and special achievements for composers of hymns and madrasa marches.

While in Adiktis 2021, there are 16 categories, starting from TKI with the highest number of accredited A or excellent study programs, PTKI with excellent institutional accreditation, PTKI with the most AUN-QA certified study programs, and a number of other categories.

Dhani hopes that the implementation of ADIKTIS can be a motivation for madrasas and universities under the Ministry of Religion to continue to improve the quality of education quality and services in order to educate the nation's generation.

"Hopefully this award for the Appreciation for Achievement of Islamic Religious Higher Education will motivate and inspire all of us to continue to improve the quality and services of PTKI for our society," said Dhani.

Meanwhile, Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis) Suyitno hopes that a number of PTKI campuses that have succeeded in making achievements so far can inspire other PTKI campuses.

"Continue to inspire, work hard, work smart and always work to prioritize the values of toughness, strength, and the value of excellence," said Suyitno.

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