JAKARTA - The National Police will develop the Directorate of Corruption Crimes into the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortas). There will be three deputies who will be in the unit.

"What is clear is that there is a Deputy for Enforcement, Investigation and also a Deputy for Prevention, yes, those are some deputies who will be in the Kortas itself", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters on Friday, December 10.

Rusdi said he did not rule out the possibility that there would be other deputies in the Kortas Corruption Crimes. Currently, development is still in the process of brewing.

"The details will be later approved, after all, all are still in the process. It remains only to be ratified, hopefully, it won't take long for the Kortas Corruption in the Police", said Rusdi.

In addition, Rusdi also mentioned that the reason for the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to form the Kortas was because corruption was getting bigger. Thus, Kortas is expected to be able to eradicate and eliminate corruption in Indonesia.

"The challenge is getting bigger, how the problems of corruption can be handled better", said Rusdi.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, previously said that the division heads or deputies in Kortas would be filled by a one-star general or Brigadier General. Meanwhile, the leadership of Kortas will be filled with a two-star general or Inspector General.

"It will be improved later, so it won't be one star later on two stars (led by Kortas)", said Dedi.

In addition, in the working process, Kortas is not under Kabareskrim. Instead, it is directly controlled by the Chief of Police.

"Later he (Kortas) is the same as Densus 88, still under the National Police Chief", said Dedi.

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