BANDA ACEH - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkum HAM) Aceh refused to ratify the management of the DPP of the Acehnese Nanggroe Party (PNA) version of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB), after the conclusion of the verification of the documents submitted.

"The results of document verification are concluded that the results of the KLB cannot be validated, because they are not in accordance with the AD/ART PNA which was previously approved by the Decree of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Aceh Number W1.305.AH.11.01 of 2017," said Head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Aceh, Meurah Budiman, in Banda Aceh was quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

Meurah explained that his party had researched and verified the KLB version of the KLB version of the DPP Nanggroe Aceh Party (PNA) application document with number 455/DPP-PNA/IX/2019 dated 23 September 2019, regarding the request for ratification of the AD/ART changes and the PNA management signed by Samsul. Bahri and Miswar Fuady.

The results of the verification, said Meurah, there were several things that were not in accordance with the AD/ART PNA which had been ratified in 2017, including the absence of conformity with Article 57 paragraph (3) regarding KLB participants. Of the 23 existing DPW, only 21 were attended. Only five DPWs were present with full management (chairman, daily chairman, secretary, treasurer), in accordance with Article 14 of the AD/ART PNA.

"The DPW's signature on the KLB attendance list is also not identical with the legitimate DPW management," he said.

In addition, said Meurah, there was a difference in the names of the DPW administrators who were present at the congress with the DPP PNA decree regarding the ratification of the 2017-2022 PNA DPW management.

"And there are also several other administrators who are not present according to Article 14 paragraph (1) AD/ART PNA," said Meurah Budiman.

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