NTB - Several flood victims in West Kubur Hamlet, Sesela Village, Gunung Sari District, West Lombok Regency are still in need of assistance, especially blankets, baby equipment, and clean water.

"The most urgent needs are for children or babies, pampers, clothes, mats, blankets, food, and medicine", said Iskandar, a resident of Dusun Barat Kubur, Sesela Village, Gunung Sari District, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 8th.

Iskandar said he and other residents also currently need clean water because the well water they have is dirty so it cannot be used for bathing and drinking. Not only that but his water machine was also damaged due to flooding.

"Everything is broken (kitchen utensils), I can't even cook to eat. Clean water is also very difficult. The well is still very dirty", said the father of two.

Seeing this condition, he was worried that many residents, especially children, could get diseases such as itching, flu, and fever because, after three days of being hit by floods, the environment became dirty. Even at night, the weather is so cold.

"Indeed, from information from residents, there are already children who have started complaining of itching and flu. Because the condition of the house and the environment is still dirty", said Iskandar accompanied by his wife.

Iskandar and other residents admitted that they really needed attention and real touch from various parties to help residents.

Secretary of Sesela Village, Saeful Bahri confirmed that currently the people in the area really need help. Most of the people are in very poor condition.

"Alhamdulillah, if there is assistance from the regional government, it's just not much. There is also help from residents who come alone or in groups to directly hand over aid", he said.

According to him, the aid was accommodated in the evacuation post located in the local hamlet prayer room. "We hope that people out there will look at our village. Because the condition of all the residents here is very worrying", he said.

He said that the total number of residents affected by the floods in Barat Kubur Hamlet was 247 families.

"All the houses here are flooded, and household furniture, clothes, and other items are dirty and lost by the current", he said.

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