JAKARTA - South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Police Azis Andriansyah arrested the perpetrators of the beating of members of the South Tangerang Police Sabhara Brigadier Irawan Lambu on Wednesday, early morning.

"The main perpetrators are brothers and sisters on behalf of Fredi and Fajar," said the Police Chief to reporters, Wednesday, December 8, morning.

The two perpetrators, namely Fredi Perdana and Muhamat Fajar Amin, are brother and sister.

The two perpetrators are currently at the South Jakarta Metro Police. They are still being questioned by investigators regarding the beating against Brigadier Irwan at Pondok Indah.

"Right now, we are investigating the perpetrators," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the IL Brigadier had been tortured by a group of men in the Pondok Indah area, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta.

According to the information received, at that time the IL Brigadier wanted to disperse the illegal racing, precisely near the Pondok Indah roundabout.

The incident against the IL Brigadier occurred at around 02.30 a.m. At that time, IL with his wife was crossing the Pondok Indah area.

When the traffic light turned green, the victim who was driving a four-wheeled vehicle could not move the vehicle because it was blocked by an unknown group of people who were stopping all vehicles from the Pondok Indah roundabout towards Permata Hijau.

Next, the victim got out of the car and saw the group was racing. The victim then took the initiative to take one of the motorcycle keys to disperse the illegal racing. However, a group of unknown people actually attacked. Even the victim was shouted at by fake police.

Seeing her husband being beaten, the victim's wife tried to intervene. But the attempt failed, the perpetrators continued to beat the victim.

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