JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Nurul Ghufron, said a permissive culture of corrupt behavior still exists in society. Not only that, he said that taking action against the perpetrators of violent crimes often did not provide a deterrent effect.

Ghufron said that although many corruptors have been arrested by the KPK, the practice of corruption is still happening. Therefore, the KPK believes that enforcement alone is not enough but must be accompanied by prevention and application of an anti-corruption culture through the education sector.

"More than 1,000 already, sir, from 2004 to 2021. More than 1,000. The hope is to be arrested, arrested, the assumption is that if caught is a deterrent. But is it a deterrent, is it afraid? December.

The KPK's belief that if the action does not cause a deterrent effect is even proven because many substitutes for regional heads who are caught in corruption cases are repeating the same mistakes. In fact, Ghufron said, there was one region whose regional head was hit by corruption cases three times in a row.

Not only that, Ghufron said that the permissive culture was also shown by the community. The reason is that they still want to choose the wife or son of a corruptor who will run as a candidate for the regional head.

"There was a regent who was hit (a corruption case, ed) then there was another recent election. Who was nominated? His wife won. His son came forward, the regent's father was hit, his son came forward to replace him. Was he then criticized by the public, was he not elected by the public? No. Turns out he won", he said.

"What does this show? This shows that the public is permissive towards corruptors at this time. That then we sent him to prison resulted in humiliation, right, in fact, it wasn't. In fact, (his family, ed) are still elected by the public", added Ghufron.

In addition, Ghufron also mentioned that this permissive culture of corrupt behavior is seen when the public is willing to accept envelopes from candidates for regional heads. They, he continued, did not choose the best person but instead gave a voice to the money giver.

"You want to be smart, you want to be skilled, you want to be dedicated, you don't have an envelope, you don't want to be dedicated, but you have a thick envelope. This is the current phenomenon", he said.

For this reason, the KPK then moved to take preventive measures by improving the system and entering into anti-corruption education for the community. "(This, ed) the urgency for us to eradicate corruption or prevent it is to use the education sector", concluded Ghufron.

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