LUMAJANG - The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, has confirmed that a suspension bridge will be built as an emergency route in Gladak Perak, which was previously cut off. The goal, so that people can access Lumajang to Malang.

"Earlier, the Minister of PUPR said that in the next two months a suspension bridge will be built, so that connectivity between the two regions remains connected", said East Java Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, in Lumajang, Tuesday, December 7, 2021.

Khofifah said the position of the Gladak Perak Bridge is very vital because the bridge connects Lumajang Regency and Malang Regency. Due to the disconnection of the route, the Pronojiwo sub-district, Lumajang Regency, can only be accessed from Malang, and the flow of vehicles from Lumajang to Malang and vice versa is temporarily diverted to pass through Probolinggo.

"As for the permanent bridge, the PUPR Ministry will build it within the next one year", she said.

Khofifah emphasized that the certainty of the construction of this emergency bridge was very encouraging news, and was eagerly awaited by the community. Because for people who want to go to Lumajang or Malang, there is no need to go through Probolinggo.

"This bridge is an economic route, education route, and also a government route. So of course its existence is very vital for community activities", she said.

Mount Semeru erupts on Saturday, December 4. The highest mountain on the island of Java emits hot clouds in the Lumajang area and its surroundings. Heavy rain that day also caused cold lava from the crater to rush towards the village below the slopes of Mount Semeru.

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