JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) emphasizes that efforts to fight the practice of corruption cannot only be judged by the number of perpetrators arrested. This is what the public should understand.

"The public is also important to understand that the implementation of corruption eradication is not only limited to repressive efforts by taking action against the perpetrators but also preventive measures to improve the system and governance of an institution to close the gaps prone to corruption," Ali told reporters, Tuesday, 7 December.

This is the reason why the KPK is now making various efforts to prevent the occurrence of corrupt practices in the community. One of them, Ali said, is by instilling the value of integrity through education.

"KPK is intense in instilling the values of integrity through education so that later generations of Indonesians will be embedded in anti-corruption values and culture," he said.

In this way, the anti-corruption commission hopes that the public will continue to experience tangible benefits from efforts to eradicate corruption, which are not only carried out through repressive measures.

"We hope that the public can continue to experience tangible benefits from the results and performance of eradicating corruption," said Ali.

Previously, the level of public trust in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had fallen drastically and brought this institution into the spotlight. The disclosure of this decline came from the results of a poll conducted by the Indonesian Political Indicators Survey Institute.

This institution noted that the KPK is now in fifth place and has lost to the National Police. Whereas in previous years, the anti-corruption commission had always been in second or third position.

Following are the results of a survey of several institutions and institutions related to public trust: 

1. TNI: 95 percent

2. President: 86 percent

3. Police: 80 percent

4. Supreme Court: 79 percent

5. KPK: 71 percent

6. Prosecutor's Office: 76 percent

7. MPR: 67 percent

8. DPD: 66 percent

9. DPR: 62 percent

10. Political Parties: 52 percent

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