JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan (National Commission on Violence against Women) Commissioner, Siti Aminah Tardi, said Novia Widyasari had rejected her boyfriend, Bripda Randy Bagus' wish to abort her first pregnancy.

"When the deceased faced an unwanted pregnancy, the perpetrator, who has a profession as a police officer, forced her to abort her pregnancy, even though the victim repeatedly refused to abort", said Siti Aminah at a press conference, Jakarta, Monday, December 6.

Siti said many ways were used by Bripda RB to force newspapers to abort their pregnancy. Namely starting from taking birth control pills to forcing the victim to take herbal medicine.

"Also forcing sexual intercourse in an unnatural place because of the assumption that sperm will be able to abort the fetus or womb", said Siti.

After the first pregnancy was aborted, the victim became pregnant again for the second time. The perpetrator again asked the victim to abort the womb with threats.

"The second forced abortion was carried out by inserting the drug into the victim's vagina", said Siti.

In fact, when she was pregnant for the second time, the victim, who was still a student, asked the perpetrator to marry her. This request was also conveyed by the victim to the parents of the perpetrator. But the request was rejected.

"Rejected because there is still an older sister and also considering the career of the perpetrator", said Siti.

It was previously reported that the East Java Police investigated the viral case of female student Novia Widyasari Rahayu in Sooko, Mojokerto, East Java, committing suicide. The student's motive for suicide is being investigated.

The latest revealed by the East Java Regional Police, Novia Widyasari Rahayu, committed suicide by drinking a mixture of potassium. Novia is the lover of Bripda RB, a member of the Pasuruan Police.

East Java Deputy Police Chief, Brigadier General Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, said Novia Widyasari Rahayu had two abortions. Novia and Bripda RB who are dating are called the police having sex like husband and wife.

"In addition, other evidence was also found that the victim during courtship, starting from October 2019 to December 2021, had a joint abortion, which was carried out in March 2020 and August 2021. The first gestational age was still weekly, while the gestational age was The second pregnancy is after the age of 4 months", said the Deputy Chief of the East Java Police, Saturday, December 4.

The Deputy Chief of the East Java Police confirmed that members of the Pasuruan Police, East Java, Bripda RB were charged with ethical and criminal sanctions. Bripda RB related to the viral NWR student who committed suicide drinking potassium at her father's grave in Sooko, Mojokerto is now being processed by the East Java Police.

"Indeed we violate the law internally, we will apply the provisions that regulate the Police, Chief of Police Regulation 14/2011 concerning the code of ethics articles 7 and 11. In general, we apply 348 jo 55 criminally, this is a step related to cases that befell our members", said the Deputy Chief of the East Java Police Brigadier General Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo at a press conference at the Mojokerto Police, Saturday, December 4.

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