JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP), a state-owned construction and investment company in Indonesia, has begun building one of the National Strategic Projects, the Tamblang Dam in Bali. This project will later be useful to meet water needs for the community in four villages.
The groundbreaking event was also attended by the Head of the Bali Penida River Basin of the PUPR Ministry Maryadi, Bali Governor I Wayan Koster, Buleleng Regent Putu Agus Suradnyana, Chairman of the Buleleng DPRD Gede Supriatna, SVP Infrastructure Division 2 Pande Ketut, and GM Infrastructure Division 2 Apri Setiawan.
The construction of the Tamblang Dam, which is located in Sawan and Bila Villages, Kubutambahan District, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province, has a project value of IDR769 billion, where the funding for the development project comes from the State Budget.
The project, which is owned by the Directorate General of Water Resources of the Bali River Basin Organization, Ministry of PUPR, is undertaken with a project implementation period of 48 months on a multiyear basis. The land area earmarked for the construction of the Tamblang dam reaches 59.79 hectares, spread over four villages, namely Sawan Village covering 38.58 hectares, Bila Village covering 12.22 hectares, Bontihing Village covering 6.49 hectares and Bebetin Village covering 1.48 hectares. hectare.
This dam project was carried out by PTPP together with PT Adi Jaya as outlined in the form of Joint Operations (KSO). The benefits from the construction of the Tamblang Dam project include meeting the irrigation needs in Ungkulan covering an area of 588 hectares and being able to control floods with a retention of 0.4-0.5 percent to the peak of floods.
Another benefit from the presence of the dam is that it provides raw water for 510 liters per second for the needs of Kubutambahan and Sawan Districts. In addition, the construction of the Tamblang Dam can be useful as a water tourism area that can be enjoyed by the community around the dam.
This dam project is targeted to be completed in 2022 and can be used for the needs of a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) of 0.538 MW (2x269 kwh).
"Tamblang Dam is designed to have a storage capacity of about 7.6 million cubic meters with a dam height from the riverbed reaching 68 meters," said PT PP President Director Novel Arsyad.
The Tamblang Dam construction project is one of 65 dams that have become a National Strategic Project (PSN) and are one of the priorities of President Joko Widodo's Nawa Cita Program.
The scope of work carried out by the Company, including preparatory work, excavation work for entrance and inspection, access road work, road inspection work, tunnel circumvention work, main dam work, overflow construction work, retrieval construction work, hydromechanical work, as well as facility building works.
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