JAKARTA - Former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, will undergo his first trial in the alleged bribery case in Central Lampung. In the trial later, Azis will be presented in person at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor).

"So far, the information will be presented directly," said the Acting spokesman for the KPK prosecution, Ali Fikri, in a written statement, Monday, December 6.

In the trial that will be held today, the agenda for reading the indictment by the public prosecutor (JPU). The trial was scheduled to be held at 10:00 western Indonesia time.

"The agenda for the inaugural trial is the reading of the indictment by the KPK prosecutor," said Ali.

As previously reported, Azis was named a suspect after he was suspected of giving bribes to Stepanus. This bribe was given by Azis together with the former chairman of the Golkar Party Youth Force (AMPG) Aliza Gunado.

This allegation began in August 2020 when Azis contacted Stepanus to deal with allegations of corruption in Central Lampung regarding the Special Allocation Fund. This case is said to have ensnared him and former chairman of the Golkar Party Youth Force (AMPG) Aliza Gunado.

Receiving the request, Stepanus contacted Maskur Husein to oversee and manage the case, which was then approved on the condition that Azis and Aliza must each prepare Rp2 billion. It's just that when Stepanus and Azis were quickly arrested, the realization of the money distribution only reached Rp3.1 billion.

Azis was charged with Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a of the Corruption Law Jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code or Article 13 of the Anti-Corruption Law Jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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