JAKARTA - The Sunda Kelapa Port and Muara Angke Port, North Jakarta, are still inundated by tidal flooding with varying heights.

The Head of the Sunda Kelapa Regional Police, AKP Seto Handoko Putra, said that 15 cm of flood was still hitting the people's port pier.

"A 15 cm high puddle of water is also still inundating Jalan Ir. Jayusman, Sunda Kelapa Harbor and the ex LBN intersection of Sunda Kelapa Port in fact 25 cm inundated," he told reporters, Sunday, December 5.

Floods still inundate roads in the port of Sunda Kelapa. (photo: voi/rizky)

Meanwhile, for the Muara Angke Port area, precisely in RW 022 Blok Empang, there is still a puddle of water as high as 10 cm.

"At the old TPI pier there is a 7 cm high puddle of water and the Jetty Road in front of PHPT Pengasinan, the bend in the garbage dump is still inundated," he said.

The police chief said that the puddle of water at the Sunda Kelapa and Muara Angke ports was due to the occurrence of tidal waters.

Police officers have also coordinated with Pelindo Regional 2 Sunda Kelapa officers, the Water Management Service and Firefighters in the event of a puddle.

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