MAMUJU - A market building in Salutambung Village, Ulumanda District, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi collapsed, and a number of vehicles were damaged by strong winds.

Ulumanda sub-district head Muhammad Arif said strong winds knocked down Salutambung Market at around 08.00 central Indonesia time, when traders were preparing to sell their wares.

He said one of the large trees near the market had fallen due to strong winds, hitting the village market.

Arif said five four-wheeled vehicles belonging to traders were damaged by the market building after strong winds suddenly hit the area.

"Residents who were going to sell their goods panicked, because when the market collapsed and hit the vehicle, there was a small child in the vehicle who was hit by the tree," he said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 4.

There were no fatalities in this incident. Local residents together with the government are trying to evacuate the ruins of the market building which then hit the community's vehicle.

"The evacuation of public vehicles that were hit by the market building is being carried out so that market activities can resume running," he said.

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