BATURAJA - The Ogan Komering Ulu Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, South Sumatra arrested a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the local government for distributing meth drugs.

"The perpetrator was arrested last Thursday (2/12)," said Head of Public Relations of the Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Mardi Nursal in Baturaja, quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 4.

He explained that suspect LR (45) was arrested at his home in Nyiur Sayak Village, Semidang Aji District at around 14.30 western Indonesia time.

His illicit business was detected by members of the Narcotics Unit of the OKU Police after receiving many reports from the surrounding community about drug transactions in the area.

"People report because they feel uneasy about the actions of the suspect who often sells crystal methamphetamine in his village," he said.

Armed with this information, he said, the police immediately carried out surveillance and disguised themselves in plain clothes to lure the suspect by pretending to be a buyer.

"After being lured, the suspect was arrested along with evidence of 10 clear plastic clips containing methamphetamine with a gross weight of 3.45 grams," he explained.

Furthermore, the suspect and the evidence were immediately secured at the OKU Police Headquarters for further legal processing.

"For his actions, the perpetrators will be charged with primary article 114 paragraph (1) Sub-Article 112 paragraph (1) of the RI Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of a sentence of more than five years in prison," he said.

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