JAKARTA - Hong Kong will change the status of Singapore and Iceland from 6 December to Category A. This means that it is a high-risk country. What's more, if not for the appearance of the Omicron variant in that country.

Quoted from The Strait Times, Friday 3 December, that means non-Hong Kong residents who have lived in these countries within 21 days are prohibited from entering Hong Kong.

Residents arriving from Singapore or Iceland can board flights to Hong Kong if they are fully vaccinated and have a recognized vaccination record.

They must undergo mandatory quarantine in designated quarantine hotels for 21 days. While being accompanied by six tests that will be carried out during quarantine. Then ended up taking the mandatory test at the community testing center on the 26th day of arrival in Hong Kong.

All transit passengers from overseas and Taiwan must show a negative COVID-19 result within 72 hours before flying to Hong Kong, the Ministry of Food and Health said.

Last Thursday, December 2, the ministry tightened restrictions on arrivals from Finland, Ghana, South Korea, Norway, and Saudi Arabia due to the discovery of the Omicron case.

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