MAKASSAR - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figures, namely the Chair of the NU 2024 Presidential Candidate Convention Mabroer MS, NU figures from South Sulawesi KH Muh Ruslan Wahab and KH Amirullah Amri asked KH Ma'ruf Amin and Jusuf Kalla to affirm the 34th NU Congress.

The reason is that the implementation of the NU congress continued to be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, until it was finally agreed that it would be held in Lampung in October 2021. However, this again has not been realized until December.

Therefore, to find clarity on the implementation of the 34th NU Congress, NU residents issued a statement responding to the polemic of the Congress which was read at the Aryaduta Hotel Makassar.

This statement specifically hopes for the willingness of former Vice President Jusuf Kalla, KH Ma'ruf Amin, KH Mustofa Bisri, Habib Luthfi bin Yahya along with habaib and other scholars who are in the ranks of the PBNU Musytasar to immediately hold a deliberation forum related to the certainty of the implementation of the NU Congress.

"The NU congress must be held immediately, but of course in conditions conducive to all parties, especially within the Nahdlatul Ulama environment," said Mabroer Ms. quoted by Antara, Friday, December 3.

The Masytasar ranks, said Mabroer, at the PBNU level, are an inseparable part of the management structure of Nahdlatul Ulama.

Therefore, it is appropriate for the Musyatasar ranks to also be willing to be actively involved in certain situations that require the presence of these masyayekhs, among others in the form of Taushiyah and Taujihat.

Furthermore, all notes, as well as conclusions from the meeting of the PBNU Musyatasar ranks, can be used as a moral basis for PBNU, especially the Syuriah ranks, the PBNU Tanfidz ranks in making further decisions regarding the implementation of the NU Congress.

"Both regarding the schedule to the model or format for the implementation of the grand celebration," added Mabroer.

There are also several statements made by Nahdliyyin residents regarding the dynamics and internal tug-of-war of NU regarding the schedule for the 34th NU Congress in Lampung, namely:

1. There is a strengthening of the existence of the PBNU Consultative Council for the 2015-2020 period, which so far has been more passive in carrying out its functions as a fairly respectable institution within the Nahdlatul Ulama community.

2. In order for the ranks of the PBNU Congress to immediately hold a closed meeting to address the dynamics and polarization of the management due to the tug of war on the schedule for the 34th NU Congress.

3. In order to end the polemic on the schedule for the NU Congress, the closed meeting should also invite the parties, especially Rais Syuriah, Katib Syuriah, and the General Chairperson, Secretary-General of PBNU to obtain valid and balanced information regarding the implementation of the 34th NU Congress in Lampung.

4. In particular, we hope for the willingness of Mr. Jusuf Kalla, KH Ma'ruf Amin, KH Mustofa Bisri, Habib Luthfi bin Yahya along with the habaib and other scholars who are in the ranks of the PBNU Musyatasar to immediately hold a deliberation forum related to the certainty of the implementation of the NU Congress that is conducive to all parties, especially in the Nahdlatul Ulama environment.

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