JAKARTA - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of North Maluku (Malut) has arrested 14 children and teenagers who abuse Aibon glue, in collaboration with the Ternate City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol-PP).

"These 14 children and teenagers were caught inhaling Aibon glue at the Ternate Orange Fort location through the Satpol PP team," said the Head of the North Maluku BNNP Brigadier General Wisnu Handoko SIK MM, accompanied by the Head of the Eradication Division Grand Commissioner Pol Dinnar Widargo, in Ternate, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 29.

He explained that the 14 teenagers included 6 students, 2 were married, 1 angkot driver, 1 construction worker, and the rest did not work.

After being recorded, screening or initial examination of them was carried out by the BNNP Malut Primary Clinic Rehabilitation officer.

"From the results of the examination, these children and adolescents aged 18-21 years have abused addictive substances such as glue, alcohol, and liquor. The rehabilitation officer will then conduct an assessment of each child to find out the reason for abusing addictive substances. and the next therapy plan, but before that they must complete their personal data (KTP and or KK) and be accompanied by their parents for therapy approval," said the Head of the BNNP Malut.

BNNP Malut has coordinated with the Health Office and the Ternate City Women's and Children's Empowerment Service (P2A) for data and information as well as assistance to these 14 children and how to overcome this problem.

Meanwhile, in anticipating drug trafficking in North Maluku, BNNP Malut conducts training for rehabilitation officers for drug addicts through the activities of Improving the Competence of Rehabilitation Officers Through Basic Counseling Skills Training and Crisis Intervention (UTC 4 and 7).

He stated that this training was to provide assistance for drug addicts undergoing rehabilitation. This is because drugs cause socio-economic and mental losses for drug users, the prevalence of drug users in North Maluku, and policies and strategies in the field of rehabilitation and new policies for community-based interventions.

According to him, this activity aims to provide a learning process and basic counseling skills in providing services in various therapeutic settings, both outpatient and inpatient.

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