JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, visited the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Headquarters in Madrid, Spain. The visit to the headquarters of the United Nations World Tourism Organization was carried out by Puan on the sidelines of attending the 143rd Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) General Assembly.

The arrival of Puan along with the DPR delegation was welcomed by the Secretary General of UNWTO, HE Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili on Friday 26 November. Puan conveyed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indonesian tourism which had an impact on the national economic sector.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many Indonesian people whose lives depend on the tourism sector. So our visit to UNWTO is an effort by the DPR to get input and discuss in an effort to reopen Indonesian tourism," said Puan.

To the Secretary General of UNWTO, the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR said that Indonesia is now starting to reopen the tourism sector following the improving conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The opening of the tourism sector in each region in Indonesia depends on the vaccination level of the population.

"For example, Bali, where 100% of the population has received the first dose of vaccine. Indonesia continues to promote vaccination so that it is hoped that next year it will achieve its full vaccination target for 208 million people who are targeted for vaccination in March 2022," he explained.

Puan emphasized that the DPR continues to supervise the development of tourism programs in Indonesia, one of which is by asking for input from the UNWTO. He also mentioned the importance of sustainable tourism or sustainable tourism that pays attention to environmental protection and empowerment of local communities.

"Including the development of sustainable tourism in Indonesia, which requires the support of the United Nations. So we hope for support from UNWTO to promote Indonesian tourist destinations outside Bali such as Labuan Bajo, Raja Ampat, Lake Toba, and others," said Puan.

Prior to the opening of the 143rd IPU General Assembly, Puan also briefly became a speaker at the IPU women parliamentarians forum which was held at IFEMA Palacio Municipal. The Women Parliamentarian Forum event was also attended by the Prime Minister of Spain, Mr. Pedro Sanchez and IPU President, Mr. Duarte Pacecho.

At the beginning of the panel discussion, Puan reported the results of The 13th Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament in Vienna, Austria, which was held last September. The conference is a meeting of women parliamentary leaders in the world.

Puan also discussed the role of women in the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic which can lead to gender equality. He conveyed that women have a big role in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

"70% of healthcare is women. They continue to be at the forefront of the fight against the COVID-19 virus. Women who hold authority or power play an important role in navigating difficult times during the pandemic,” said Puan.

"Therefore, there is a need to encourage women to be better represented in public and private institutions," continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan added, gender equality in parliament is also an important step in social life in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. She said it was necessary to encourage women's economic empowerment because it would also promote a fair economic recovery.

“There is also a need for a gender equality-based social protection scheme. Currently 60% of women worldwide are not covered by social protection,” said Puan.

UNWTO and the Indonesian House of Representatives agree that social protection must be changed to better support women, especially in times of crisis. Furthermore, Puan touched on the issue of violence against women and children which also needs attention. “Parliament needs to encourage and strengthen efforts to stop violence against women and children. The policy to address the root of the problem is through empowering children and women with equal access to education,” he said.

No less important, the issue of economic and community transformation through a gender perspective was also discussed by Puan. According to the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, the COVID-9 pandemic has opened up opportunities for this transformation. It is the duty of Parliaments in all countries and also all genders to lead the transformation of our global system, to ensure a more equitable allocation of resources in one country and more equitable opportunities in the future,” concluded Puan.

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