JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria again reminded about the COVID-19 pandemic which is not over yet. Riza requested that the Reunion 212 committee reconsider its plan to hold an action in the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta.

Riza said the 212 reunion had to get a crowd permit from the Polda Metro Jaya. The Police will coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force.

"So there are still stages. What is certain is that we respect PA 212 activities but please pay attention to the rules, especially now that it is still during the COVID pandemic. Please all consider carefully, find a wiser solution. Don't let our intention to hold a 212 reunion turn out to be a new cluster," said Riza.

“Don't let our presence with good intentions create a new cluster. So please consider all committees, we are still in the pandemic period even though we are at level 1. Please consider, please all according to the existing rules and regulations, "continued Riza.

Keep Holding 212 Super Peaceful Reunion

The chairman of the 212 Reunion Committee, Eka Jaya, stated that he would still hold the action at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, even though he did not get permission from the police. However, with a change of concept into a super peaceful action.

"Keep the title at the Horse Statue. If permission is not given, then we will carry out a peaceful protest or a super peaceful action," said Eka when confirmed, Friday, November 26.

Thus, the committee team will only provide a notification letter regarding the action. Although, not officially licensed.

"It's only enough for us to give a notification letter. Without a permit," he said.

While in the licensing process, Eka stated that his party had submitted an application to the COVID-19 Task Force to the Head of Transportation Agency. However, until now there has been no further information on the request.

"We have given all the letters. The Head of Transportation Agency told us that they have never issued a recommendation. Only then will they receive a directive from the Metro Police to hold a technical meeting that has been in effect so far," said Eka.

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