JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said there are a number of things that need to be emphasized in the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. One of them is related to the KPK Supervisory Board.

This was conveyed by Alexander Marwata at the Hearing Meeting (RDP) between the KPK and Commission III of the DPR, Monday, July 1. He initially mentioned that there were things that needed to be reiterated in the law after the revision was carried out.

"For example, the role of the KPK Council. Until now, the main tasks of the Council are yes, what are we still doing, what kind of law and what kind of practice are we in," Alexander said, starting his statement as quoted from the DPR RI YouTube show.

"I see the role of the KPK Council currently intersecting with the role of the inspectorate," he continued.

Alexander said the KPK Supervisory Board could move in detail in handling alleged ethical violations.

"He (even, ed) can directly order the KPK structure and only (convey it, red) notification to the leadership," he said.

This condition confused Alexander by the position of the KPK Supervisory Board.

"Sometimes I joke, the KPK for this period is led by 10 people. 5 leaders and 5 supervisory boards," he said.

"Because the KPK Council can ask the officials at the KPK without or just notifying the leadership. Not through the leadership but directly to each deputy and (only conveying, ed) the notification letter to the leadership. What does that mean? If the way they work means they can command, right, that means," he explained.

Alexander said that as leaders, they could do nothing. The prohibition has never been conveyed to the KPK Supervisory Board.

"It's just that actually, there needs to be a regulation that every request from the KPK Council must go through the leadership. Later the leadership will forward it to relevant officials. But that doesn't (even now, red). In fact, the KPK Council has come to the field," he concluded.

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