SUMBAR - The West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sumbar) has begun to examine 13 suspects in the investigation into the alleged corruption in the payment of compensation for the Padang-Sicincin toll road, which is a national strategic project.

The examination of the suspect was carried out in order to complete the case file which was said to have harmed state finances of up to Rp28 billion.

"The investigative team has started to examine the suspects one by one in the current investigation stage," said West Sumatra Prosecutor Intelligence Assistant Mustaqpirin in Padang quoted from Antara, Friday, November 26.

However, investigators have not arrested a dozen suspects who have various backgrounds, ranging from residents receiving compensation, regional government officials, nagari government officials, and the National Land Agency (BPN).

The group of suspects as recipients of compensation amounted to eight people, namely BK, MR, SP, KD, AH, SY, RF, and SA who were also known to be members of the Nagari government.

Meanwhile, the other five suspects are SS with a background in Nagari government apparatus, YW Government apparatus in Padang Pariaman, then J, RN, US from BPN as the land acquisition committee.

Dozens of suspects in this case were processed in eleven separate files, and the team is still continuing the investigation process. In addition to examining the suspects, the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office also continues to examine more than 60 witnesses in a marathon to explore the cases and actions of the suspects.

The West Sumatra Attorney General's Office stated that it would process the case openly and fairly, without discrimination. If there are officials or former officials being examined, it means that they are purely related to case processing.

The determination of the suspect in the alleged corruption case in the payment of compensation for the Padang-Sicincin toll road was carried out by the West Sumatra High Court on October 29, 2021.

The Assistant for Special Crimes at the West Sumatra Prosecutors' Office, Suyanto, revealed that from the preliminary count, the case had cost the state finances of up to Rp28 billion.

The loss arose because it was alleged that the money to pay compensation for toll land that had been disbursed by the state was illegally claimed by people who were not entitled to receive compensation.

He said the problem started when there was a Padang-Sicincin toll road construction project in 2020 where the state prepared money as compensation for land affected by development.

One of the affected areas is the Biodiversity Park (KEHATI) in Paritmalintang, Padang Pariaman Regency, where compensation is received by each person.

After further investigation by the prosecutor, it was discovered that the KEHATI park was listed as a regional asset and was recorded in the assets of the Padangpariaman Regional Financial Management Agency.

Because the land was included in the object when Padang Pariaman Regency took care of moving the Regency Capital (IKK) to Parit Malintang in 2007.

Land acquisition in the IKK transfer activity at that time was accompanied by a statement of the release of rights from the land cultivators and compensation was carried out.

The land was finally controlled by the Padang Pariaman Regency Government by building the Regent's office (2010), City Forest (2011), Green Open Space (2012), Pau Office (2014), including the KEHATI park (2014) based on the Regent's Decree covering an area of 10 hectares.

At that time, the construction and maintenance of the KEHATI park used the Ministry of Environment's Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and the Padang Pariaman Regional Budget.

On the other hand, the West Sumatra Attorney General's Office (Asintel) emphasized that the current case investigation is purely related to the payment of land compensation, not the physical construction of the toll road project.

So that it will not have an impact on the construction of the toll road project, let alone hamper the work.

"This processing is part of the AGO's efforts to support the toll road project as a national strategic project, lest there be irresponsible parties who take personal benefits and harm state finances," he said.

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