PADANG - The Padang City Police (Polresta), West Sumatra said the number of victims who reported cases of alleged sodomy by an unscrupulous Koran teacher and lecturer with the initials EM (59) increased to five people.

Previously, when the arrests were made on Friday, November 19, the night until the case was processed, three victims made new reports.

"In the ongoing process of the case, we have received two new reports from the victims," said the head of the Padang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner of Police Rico Fernando, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

He said the increase in the number of victims will affect the sentence for the suspect, because it is a burdensome consideration.

Rico stated that if there are still parents who want to report because their children are victims of EM, the Padang Police will accept and process them. It is estimated that the number of victims reached a dozen people.

"Families don't need to worry or be reluctant to make reports, because we guarantee the confidentiality and identity of the complainant and the child who is the victim," he said.

The suspect EM is currently undergoing a legal examination. He was charged with Article 82 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), in conjunction with Article 76E of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into Law.

The sexual harassment took place in the Padang Timur area, Padang, in a prayer room owned by the perpetrator who is a retired "red plate" company. While the victims are children around.

One of the victim's parents said that the suspect's actions were discovered after his son, who is now 11 years old, told him.

"I want him to be severely punished, I don't accept what he did to my child," said the victim's parents at the Padang Police Station on Friday night.

The modus operandi used by the perpetrators is to persuade the victim by buying food, lending a smartphone (smartphone), to taking the victim for a walk.

Meanwhile, when the suspect was arrested, he denied that he had committed sodomy. The perpetrator admitted only holding the victim's body and genitals.

However, the police have pocketed the results of the post-mortem from the victim as evidence.

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