MALANG - Malang City Police revealed the chronology of kidnapping cases that led to the abuse of minors living in an orphanage in Malang City, East Java.

Malang City Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant Budi Hermanto said the mistreatment that befell the 13-year-old female student began when the victim was brought by someone to a place and had sexual intercourse.

"The incident began when the victim was taken by someone to a place and had intercourse," Budi Hermanto told reporters, Tuesday, November 23.

The police chief explained that the wife of the alleged perpetrator of the sexual intercourse knew about the incident. At that time, the wife of the alleged sex offender brought several of her friends to interrogate the victim and commit acts of violence.

Buher—Malang Police Chief is familiarly called—explained that the incident caused the victim to experience psychological pressure and was hit. The police are still trying to explore the case from a number of evidences that have been secured.

"After we received the report, we saw that the psychological condition of the victim was still very hard. We took care of the psychological condition of the victim and the alleged perpetrator, because their status is a child," said Budi.

Currently, the police have arrested ten suspected perpetrators of child abuse. All of the alleged perpetrators of abuse, including one alleged perpetrator of sexual intercourse, are still children.

The alleged perpetrators are currently still as witnesses to the incident. The determination of the suspect will be carried out after the Malang City Police conducts a case.

"Currently their status as witnesses. However, in the process of examination (they) admit all actions in accordance with their respective criteria," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Malang City Police, Commissioner of Police Tinton Yudha Riambodo, added that the motive for the violence was motivated by the feeling of annoyance by one of the perpetrators because he saw his husband sleeping with the victim.

"From the perpetrators, there was indeed annoyance because saw her Siri husband sleeping with a woman. That was what triggered the incident," said Tinton.

Tinton explained that the husband and wife who were married unregistered were currently still children. The perpetrators and victims have so far reportedly known each other.

"The victim and the perpetrator really know each other, because if you say they are friends, they are friends, but not very close," he said.

Previously, a 2-minute and 29-second video recording of student abuse was circulated showing acts of violence perpetrated by a number of fellow victims. The victim of abuse and persecution who is a female is still approximately 13 years old.

In the video that was spread, the victim, who was seen still wearing the uniform, was persecuted by a number of his colleagues. The incident was reported to have occurred in the Blimbing District, Malang City on November 18, 2021.

The article alleged in the case is Article 80 of Law Number 35/2014 on the amendment to Law Number 23/2002 concerning Child Protection, or Article 170 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code and or Article 33 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.

Then, article 81 of Law Number 35/2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, carries a penalty of five to nine years in prison for child abuse, and sexual intercourse with a threat of 15 years in prison.

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