YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) hopes that the PPKM Level 3, which is planned to be implemented by the Central Government, will not prohibit people from traveling during the 2022 Christmas and New Year holidays.

"We hope that people will still be allowed to travel," said PHRI DIY Chair Deddy Pranawa Eryana after the opening of the Jogja International Travel Mart (JITM) in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

Although later allowed, according to him, people who travel are still asked to adhere to strict health protocols, have received vaccines, carried out antigen tests, and used the PeduliLindung application.

"The important thing is to give us a chance to breathe because the momentum in December is the momentum for our 'revenue' to increase or our occupancy to increase," said Deddy.

However, Deddy ensured that hotel and restaurant business players in DIY would still follow the provisions of the Level 3 PPKM policy which would later be contained in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri).

He realized that the PPKM Level 3 policy was aimed at keeping the rate of transmission of COVID-19 under control so that economic growth and health in the country could continue to run in balance.

"We are ready to support the government if the government gives a policy that is not sudden and does not change. This is still a long time tomorrow, December. Now it is not sudden but we have been given a 'warning'," he said.

Deddy said that currently economic activity in the hotel and restaurant sector has started to improve, marked by an increase in occupancy since the last four weeks with the highest occupancy reaching 80 percent on Saturday, November 20.

"Conditions have indeed improved but PHRI is not doing well. We have been bleeding for the past two years, the current profit is only to pay installments and pay employee salaries," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DIY Tourism Office, Singgih Raharjo, said that tourist destinations in this area will continue to operate during the Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays.

"Yesterday I heard from the policy (the PPKM Level 3 plan), one of which is that tourist attractions will remain open, there will be no closures," said Singgih.

According to him, the tightening that will be carried out during the year-end holiday period is to limit visitors and increase the implementation of health protocols and the use of the PeduliLindung application.

However, he continued, Dispar DIY will still wait for the details of the Level 3 PPKM policy rules which will be contained in the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) which will then be followed up with the governor's instructions (Ingub).

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