JAKARTA - Political observer and Executive Director of Indonesian Political Parameters Adi Prayitno called Sandiaga Uno a "good stuff" to be pushed as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

"If you look at the results of a survey released by Politica Research and Consulting (PRC) last week, Sandi's electability has increased. No wonder the public labels Sandiaga Uno as 'good stuff'," Adi said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

This was conveyed by Adi in a discussion entitled "Political Maps and Electoral Opportunities for Alternative 2024 Presidential Candidates" held by the Indonesian Political Studies Circle (LSPI) in Jakarta.

"Sandiaga Uno is a candidate to be reckoned with in 2024," he said.

Adi assessed that Sandiaga Uno's electability had increased significantly after serving as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. In the past, Sandi had drowned after the 2019 Pilrpes, but now his name has reappeared significantly.

Adi said he had conducted research in December 2020 with a simulation of Prabowo not running for the 2024 presidential election. The majority of Prabowo voters moved to Sandiaga rather than Anies Baswedan.

"The result is that almost 96 percent of Prabowo voters prefer Sandiaga Uno. His voter base is starting to pulse again in various places," said Adi.

Adi is not surprised that in the PRC survey, Sandi's name is at the top, followed by other candidates, such as Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java) and Tri Rismaharini (Minister of Social Affairs).

He said Sandiaga Uno was seen as a flexible figure who was easily accepted by all levels of society. Unlike Anies Baswedan, who is only supported by certain bases.

"Sandiaga Uno is a good stuff. Sandiaga is easy to polish, young, moderate, and close to any group, relaxed, businessman, good school, and good personality level," explained Adi.

Adi thinks that Sandi is like a car, easier to push because he has good popularity and electability according to the PRC survey version.

Adi emphasized that despite the voices of the Gerindra administrators who wanted Prabowo to run again, public voices began to appear again who judged that Sandi was worthy of being nominated for a presidential candidate.

"If Sandi can become a presidential candidate in 2024, it seems that the struggle will not be too difficult because he is widely known by the public," said Adi.

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