KAPUAS - The Kapuas Regency Government in Central Kalimantan Province has established a flood emergency response status in the local area.

"Previously, we have set a disaster alert status and yesterday afternoon it was upgraded to a disaster emergency response," said the Head of the Kapuas Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Panahatan Sinaga in Kuala Kapuas, as reported by Antara, Saturday, November 20.

The determination was made because 21 villages from six sub-districts in Kapuas were hit by floods with an average water discharge height of 40-172 cm. This condition is due to rain with moderate to high intensity.

The six sub-districts in the upstream area of Kapuas that were flooded include Kapuas Hulu, Mandau Talawang, Pasak Talawang, Central Kapuas, Timpah and Mantangai.

For the affected victims, there were 3,013 families (KK) or 9,224 people affected. Meanwhile, 1,729 houses were submerged, 35 educational facilities, 7 health facilities, 33 houses of worship, 37 public facilities and 47 access points were submerged.

Floods that have hit the upstream area of Kapuas since November 9, 2021 until now, due to rain with high and moderate intensity, have caused an overflow of the Kapuas River Basin, which has resulted in the submergence of several villages in the local area.

"We appeal to all Kapuas people, La Lina's condition, which has a negative impact on disasters such as floods, is still ongoing and is expected to last until early 2022," he said.

With this status increase, it is hoped that in the future, it is hoped that in the future it will be able to directly handle the maximum disaster-affected communities in the local area, either through health facilities, providing basic food assistance and others.

"We once again appeal to the people of Kapuas, whose location is prone to flooding, to always be vigilant," said Panahatan Sinaga.

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