DKI 2022 UMP Simulation If Following Central Decision, Increases IDR 48,136 To IDR 4,464,322
Illustration (Photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Manpower has announced a simulation of an increase in the average Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) 2022.

Referring to Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021 concerning wages, the average increase in the 2022 UMP is 1.09 percent.

Until now DKI Jakarta has not determined the 2022 UMP. VOI is trying to confirm the DKI Jakarta Manpower Office, Friday, November 19 regarding the UMP. However, until this news was revealed there had been no response.

However, when referring to the PP above the DKI Jakarta UMP which is currently IDR 4,416,186. So if it is simulated with an increase of 1.09 percent, it only increases by IDR 48,136 or increases to IDR 4,464,322.

However, this is only a simulation. Because until now, DKI Jakarta has not yet been able to set the UMP for DKI Jakarta 2022.

Meanwhile, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswesan, previously indicated that the DKI Provincial Government would comply with the central government's decision regarding the increase in the UMP in 2022.

In this case, the average increase in the provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2022 nationally is 1.09 percent. This provision refers to the applicable formula in Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages.

"I convey that the provisions contained in the Government Regulation, and others are provisions that must be implemented", said Anies after meeting workers at DKI City Hall, Thursday, November 18.

Therefore, Anies admitted that his party will make policies that reduce workers' expenses with several aid programs. At least, if the increase in the UMP does not match the expectations of the workers, the cost of living can also be reduced.

Anies explained that the assistance facilities provided by the DKI Provincial Government are cheap food, free transportation, and the distribution of Jakarta Smart Cards (KJP) to their children.

"To lower the cost of living, we can help there. So, with workers, Jakarta provides facilities for cheap food, then provides transportation costs that are borne, and KJP for their children", said Anies.

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