JAKARTA - DKI MUI is also angry with the narrative on social media which is considered to be attacking Islam. Not to be outdone, MUI DKI is preparing the Cyber Army to fight them.

This is one of the decisions when the Information and Communications Division (Infokom) of the DKI Jakarta MUI held a Coordination Meeting for the Information and Communications Division throughout DKI Jakarta at the Bintang Wisata Mandiri Hotel, early last week.

General Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta MUI KH Munahar Muchtar in his direction was grateful for this activity because there was a lot of knowledge gained in the field of information technology in the current digitalization era.

"I hope that in this challenging era, DKI MUI will not lose in mastering technology because the Infocom field is the brain of DKI MUI in the information sector," Kiai Munahar said as quoted from the MUI official website, Friday, November 19.

Munahar hopes that the DKI Jakarta MUI Infokom will be able to make good and bad deeds against the buzzers who have disturbed Islam. He said, they were judged to have hit Ulama and discredited Islam.

Munahar hopes that this Infokom will have experts or Cyber Army to fight against people who attack Islam because the main task of MUI is to command good and bad deeds.

“MUI should not be afraid to say that Haq is Haq. I have a principle that when it comes to the Qur'an and Sunnah, there is no bargaining for me," said Munahar.

Infokom's job, said Munhar, is not to play on the pulpit but through news and information that is disseminated through official MUI Jakarta channels such as social media because the circulation is fast.

Therefore, for the city level, it is necessary to form a special cyber team under the coordination of the DKI Jakarta MUI which will later produce news and information that will be conveyed to the public.

"DKI DKI MUI also needs to make content every day and every MUI activity is always made news," said the former chairman of the West Jakarta MUI.

Jakarta MUI, Munahar said, he has discussed with the General Secretary and General Treasurer to hold a breakthrough so that on the night of 12 Rabiul Awal for every mosque and prayer room to hold prayers and recitations.

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