JAKARTA - For loyal radio listeners in Cilacap, you may be familiar with this sentence. "Theft, motorcycle theft, err, the expression of feelings and humor, ha ha haa".

This sentence is the intro to a comedy radio program with a slang accent. Samidi is a genius behind the tek-tok sound with a thick Banyumasan accent.

Wednesday, November 17th, a man from Cilacap whose distinctive voice was loud laughter was the arrival of a special guest, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

The conversation between the two occurred when Ganjar visited Radio Bercahaya FM to broadcast. From that radio, Samidi brought up the Curanmor (motorcycle theft) program. Samidi didn't seem awkward when he greeted Ganjar in front of Bercahaya FM's office.

Various conversations started from Ganjar's daily life, to the funny stories that Ganjar experienced. Not infrequently, Ganjar also asked Samidi questions.

"How much is your payment now?" asked Ganjar in a strange language.

"3M sir, five thousand five hundred fifty (five thousand five hundred and fifty)," said Samidi jokingly.

Ganjar laughed at Samidi's answer. Every now and then, Samidi seemed to stutter when he asked Ganjar a question. Unlike Ganjar, who is more relaxed and flexible in responding.

Met after the radio broadcast, Samidi admitted that he was really nervous when he faced Ganjar. In fact, Samidi admitted that he usually doesn't feel nervous when he meets the other person.

"I have a very high level of courage and high confidence, but when I meet him, sometimes I get confused about what to ask myself, what kind of questions to say, what kind of questions to ask," said Samidi.

"It's amazing, at least there are many things that I can get that being an official must be like that. Must be able to approach the community, must be able to talk and be friendly. So yes my governor, yes my heart, yes my reinforcements," he said assessing Ganjar's figure.

Meanwhile, Ganjar said he was happy to see the spirit of Samidi who continued to be creative. From the Curanmor program which is only broadcast via radio, Samidi is now exploring YouTube.

"This is the same with Mas Samidi, people are used to good communication, messages can be conveyed and when it is brought up to audiovisuals including YouTube, it becomes interesting," said Ganjar.

Ganjar appreciates Samidi's steps in developing the Curanmor (motorcycle theft) program not only audio but also visual. The General Chairperson of Persada.ID hopes that radios can disassemble themselves so that their broadcasts are more interesting and funny.

"Because funny is the most liked, so it's more creative to raise all local issues but in a funny way and this is what makes people easy to understand," said Ganjar.

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