116 Persons With Disabilities In Rejang Lebong Receive Social Assistance, Directly Transferred To Account
Rejang Lebong Regent Syamsul Effendi handed over cash assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (ANTARA)

REJANG LEBONG - A total of 116 people with disabilities in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, received assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) in the form of cash with varying amounts.

The aid was symbolically handed over by Regent Syamsul Effendi at the Central Curup sub-district office, Wednesday, November 17.

The social instructor of the Dharma Guna Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) of Bengkulu Province, Darwanti said, the assistance was provided through the bank accounts of each recipient.

"The 116 recipients of this assistance are those who pass the cash transfer, if the proposals reach 500 people. These cash transfers are several bank requirements that must be met, it turns out that many have not been able to fulfill them and can fulfill the administration of this bank, there are only 116 people," he explained at between activities, Antara, Wednesday, November 17.

The amount of assistance provided varies from Rp. 600 thousand to Rp. 2 million. The total amount of aid distributed was Rp. 184.4 million.

Meanwhile, other people with disabilities who have not received cash assistance will be given assistance in the near future but in kind.

Assistance in the form of goods is given based on proposals from each prospective recipient such as basic needs, other equipment, including for the development of goat or chicken livestock businesses.

Meanwhile, Rejang Lebong Regent Syamsul Effendi expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs through BRSPDM Dharma Guna Bengkulu for providing assistance to people with disabilities.

According to the regent, as many as 116 people who received assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, were the Rejang Lebong community spread across 15 sub-districts in Rejang Lebong Regency.

In addition to the 116 people who have received the assistance, the regent also hopes that the people of Rejang Lebong who are also people with disabilities can receive assistance as well.

He hopes that the residents who receive this assistance can be put to good use so that they can meet the needs of daily life and should not be used for other purposes.

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