MANADO - A resident, Alphius Hormati, 49 years old, who went missing at the Pandu plantation, Mapanget District, Manado on Saturday, November 13, was found at Pasir Panjang Beach Likupang, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi. His condition when found was lifeless.

The head of the Manado Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas), Suhri Sinaga, said that his party received information about the Pandu Village community missing in the plantation on Sunday, November 14.

According to the family's information, the victim on Saturday, November 13, started gardening, but did not return in the afternoon.

The victim's family was suspicious that until late at night the victim did not come home and finally looked for him in the garden. In the garden, the family found only the victims' belongings that were left behind.

The local community had carried out an independent search and could not find the whereabouts of the victim. Meanwhile, the location of the victim's garden is close to the river.

From this family's information, the joint SAR team moved quickly to carry out the search for victims. The first and second-day searches have not found the whereabouts of the victim.

While the search area has been expanded to the coast of Manado Bay, Mantehage Island, and Nain Island, but has not found any victims.

On this day, Tuesday, November 16, finally the victim who had been in the search was found about 58 kilometers from the scene. The victim was found on the coast in Likupang, precisely at Pasir Panjang Beach, Likupang by residents.

From this report, the Likupang SAR Post immediately moved to the location, and evacuated the victims.

The SAR team was confused because the victim did not have an identity, there was only a dragon-like tattoo on the arm. The victim's family later confirmed that the bodies found were those of their missing relatives.

The Likupang SAR Post Coordinator immediately evacuated the victim and took the victim to the funeral home for burial.

The family expressed their gratitude to the joint SAR team involved in the search for this victim.

"All of our teams are moving both on land and at sea, good coordination, everything is going well so that the victim search mission is found which is quite far from our predictions," he said.

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