JAKARTA - Maskur Husain as an advocate who is a colleague of former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju explained about the receipt of money from the former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives from the Golkar Party faction Azis Syamsudin and another cadre of the banyan tree party, Aliza Gunado, related to case management in Central Lampung.

"The total receipts from Aliza and Azis are as described in the BAP (Minutes of Investigation)," said Maskur at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) quoted by Antara, Monday, November 15.

Maskur is a witness for Stepanus Robin Pattuju. Both Robin and Maskur were accused of accepting bribes of Rp11.5 billion for handling five cases at the KPK.

"In BAP No. 74 witnesses said that the total from Azis Syamsuddin and/or Aliza Gunado from an agreement of Rp2 billion according to Robin's record was only received from Azis of Rp1.75 billion and from Aliza of Rp1.4 billion so that the total was Rp3.15 billion, is it true?" asked the public prosecutor (JPU) of the KPK.

"At that time, investigators were shown who already had their BAP because I forgot and never counted them, so I said yes," said Maskur.

"In the BAP you said 'If I count Rp2.3 billion plus between 26 and 36 thousand US dollars', is that right?" asked the prosecutor. To which Maskur answered with "Yes".

Maskur's involvement in the case, initially because Robin was contacted in August 2020 to monitor the Central Lampung case related to Aliza Gunado.

"Yes, I said if there was an increase in money, I would ask for Rp2 billion," said Maskur.

"In the BAP you said 'a few moments later Robin Pattuju said 'Oom, Azis Syamsuddin agreed, then I asked Azis for a down payment of Rp300 million'. Is that true?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes," replied Maskur.

Furthermore, around August 2020, Maskur also still received money from 26 - 30 thousand US dollars which was received around the Central Jakarta District Court.

"Then at the BAP 20 brothers said in September 2020 basically the witness met with Robin, Robin said the money for Azis and Aliza's management had been taken at Azis's house and the witness agreed to meet in Borero, the witness received Rp1 billion in cash, correct?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes, that's right," replied Maskur.

Maskur then sent Rp200 million to his account and Rp50 million to his children's accounts in Sukabumi and Amanda, while the remaining Rp800 million was kept.

"And there were also witnesses using singers in the cafe?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes," replied Maskur.

However, Maskur admitted that Robin never told how much he received from Azis and Aliza.

"Robin never told me how much he had received, I only asked him when (received money from Azis and Aliza)," said Maskur.

Maskur admitted that he had made legal conclusions regarding the case of Azis and Aliza at the KPK.

"I made a conclusion and then I conveyed the defendant, the conclusion from various 'online' media, news portals only," said Maskur.

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