JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo supports the concept of the archipelago's integrated special area (KKTN) initiated by the National Counterterrorism Agency to assist the economic independence of ex-terrorism convicts (convicts).

"I welcome it, BNPT already has a program, we just have to play a role, 'share'. If we talk about business, technically it is the land where we will propose it to him, so there will be an 'assessment' at the beginning. Then we will try to design it in several places, In principle, we will support it, we also agree on how to prevent it later because this is important from education and so on," he said in Semarang, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 15.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after receiving a working visit from the Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar at the Central Java Governor's office.

Ganjar explained that several examples of social reintegration and deradicalization assistance to ex-convicts already exist so that these patterns just need to be replicated and combined with the concept from BNPT.

Local government cooperation with BNPT by involving Kesbangpol, Welfare, MSMEs, and industry is needed so that ex-convicts can be independent after returning to the community.

"Some of those who are already in the community and later who will come out will also work together so that we can get that information from the BNPT. We will continue to educate so that we can return to the motherland and live well in society. The duty of the state is to protect its people and let others know," he said.

According to Ganjar, in the concept of welfare development, local governments will provide full support, both those who have been fostered by BNPT and given skills and those who have just returned to the community will continue to be assisted.

"My job is to help BNPT in the regions. We will help to the end, including capital, training, and marketing," he said.

Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar said the concept of combating terrorism based on welfare development was carried out by increasing the welfare of former convicts.

One of them is by providing job opportunities, activities in the SME sector for independence among former convicts.

The concept will be realized by establishing KKTN in five provinces, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and Central Sulawesi.

"Today we are in Central Java to coordinate technical issues that will be worked out in the future, hopefully, the buses will be realized so that the ex-convicts who leave have a place to accommodate and empower them. We hope that in the future they will not return to their groups and have economic independence," he said.

Boy Rafli said that in Central Java there were around 130 ex-convicts spread over several areas, and it was hoped that they could become a place of activity for ex-convicts.

"There are several deradicalization centers that have been running and this one has been added. So it is adjusted according to their domicile, for example, those who live in the northern coastal region such as Semarang, Pekalongan, and others can be united in this new place but do not use the regional system, it is spread out," he said.

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