MEDAN - The Twitter account belonging to the North Sumatra Police @polisisumut suddenly went viral. The account reportedly liked or liked a porn video on Twitter.

From the photo footage that circulated in WhatsApp groups and became a series of messages among journalists in the city of Medan, it can be seen that the account belonging to the North Sumatra Police likes (likes) videos having sex with men.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, expressed his apology openly to the public and the people of North Sumatra.

"I apologize for the information on social media," said Kombes Hadi, Monday, November 15.

Kombes Hadi said the North Sumatra Police's Twitter account was hacked by irresponsible people. The police also conducted an investigation.

"The screenshot was seen on September 11, 2020. The temporary info for our 2020 account was hacked by an irresponsible person," he said.

He said that currently investigators from the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the North Sumatra Police Ditreskrimsus are investigating the alleged perpetrators of taking over the Twitter account.

"Currently we are investigating (investigation), the cyber sub-directorate is working. Admin is also being investigated by Propam," said Kombes Hadi.

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